Closing press conference in Zajecar for the project CB007.1.31.304
Closing press conference in Zajecar for the project CB007.1.31.304 „Prevention and mitigation of consequences of man-made cross-border disasters in the region Vidin-Zajecar“ . The press conference was held on November 20th 2018 in City of Zajecar. The project is co-funded by the European Union through the INTERREG-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Bulgaria – Serbia, CCI № 2014TC16I5CB007
On the press conference result were presented with project team from Vidin and Deputy Mayor of City of Zajecar Marina Milic. They have presented achieved results and spoken about future cooperation and friendship between City of Zajecar and Municipality of Vidin.
On the press conference there were regional media present and 20 peopple from City of Zajecar and Municipality of Vidin.
The project is co-funded by the European Union through the INTERREG-IPA Cross-Border Cooperation Program Bulgaria – Serbia 2014-2020.
This publication is supported by the European Union through the Interreg-IPA Bulgaria-Serbia Cross-Border Program 2014-2020, CCI No 2014TC16I5CB007. The content of the publication is the sole responsibility of the City of Zajecar and should in no way be taken as an expression of the opinion of the European Union or the Managing Authority of the Program.